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Accidents involving motorcycles can cause severe injury and damage to property, leaving the victims exposed. In order to recover from a bike accident, you must deal with your insurance company. In this article, a Stoneroselaw lawyer who specializes in motorcycle accidents explores insurance claims following a motorcycle crash. It will guide you through this difficult process.

Understanding the Causes

The lack of safety that motorcycle riders enjoy compared with occupants inside cars or trucks can make them particularly deadly. Motorcycle riders are subjected to greater exposure and are, therefore, at higher risk for serious injury. Some common types of motorcycle accidents include collisions with another vehicle, accidents that involve a single car, or accidents due to road hazards.

Motorcycle Insurance Is Important

Insurance for motorcycles is essential. The insurance provides not only financial protection but ensures that the rider complies with all state laws. Motorcycle insurance normally covers bodily injury liability and property damage liability, with optional coverage for uninsured/underinsured motorist protection, medical expenses, and comprehensive/collision coverage.

Insurance Company: Deals with Them

As soon as a motorcycle accident occurs, it is necessary to contact your insurance agent. In order to get the best possible insurance settlement, you’ll need to be as accurate as possible. It is their primary aim to minimize what they pay, and that is why contacting an experienced lawyer for motorcycle accidents such as the ones at is recommended.

Understanding Motorcycle Liability

Just as with other motor vehicle accidents, liability can play a major role in motorcycle crashes. Responsibility is the determining factor in deciding who should be compensated for injuries and who caused the accident. Collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing accident reports are all part of establishing liability. To prove fault, a motorcycle accident lawyer can be of great assistance.

Dealing with Insurance Coverage of the At-Fault Party

In motorcycle accidents caused by other drivers, the insurance company is often in charge of covering any injuries or property damage. However, insurance companies can be notorious for either settling low or rejecting valid claims. Motorcycle accident attorneys are invaluable at this point. You can have them negotiate the compensation you deserve with the other party’s insurer.

Understanding Personal Injury Protection

Personal Injury Protection is compulsory in certain states. It can cover immediate medical bills, lost wages, and accident-related expenses. You should speak to your attorney about PIP coverage if it is available.

The Role of an Attorney for Motorcycle Accidents

When you’re dealing with injuries or recovery, it can be difficult to understand the complexity of your insurance policy. Stoneroselaw motorcycle accident lawyers can be of great assistance.

  • Evaluation of the case: A lawyer will evaluate your claim to assess its strength and determine the amount you may be entitled to.
  • Dealing with negotiations: Lawyers can deal directly with insurance companies to get you the compensation that is fair for your loss.
  • Collecting evidence: Lawyers may collect medical records, accident and witness reports, and other evidence to help build a convincing case.
  • Representing you in Court: In the event that a fair settlement is not possible, an attorney will represent you before a court to protect your rights.

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